Redefining Beauty: The Pursuit of Inclusivity in Women’s Fashion
Imagine getting ready for a night out, shimmying in your new dress, curling your hair, then spending 45 minutes trying to incorporate a medical device into your outfit, it’s not easy.
Providing a ‘voice for the voiceless’ we’re CUTTING ABOVE THE NOISE, as rarely reported on or consigned to the fringes of the media, these are issues which affect our lives, communities or cultures from the margins to the forefront.
Imagine getting ready for a night out, shimmying in your new dress, curling your hair, then spending 45 minutes trying to incorporate a medical device into your outfit, it’s not easy.
Within every culture there are communities which generate different reactions or approaches throughout wider society.
He still remembers the day he left the hospital. In a wheelchair, facing a new world—a world where walking to school and playing on legs were no longer possible.
It’s an early summer’s afternoon in the community garden; bees are exploring the first electric blue cornflowers of the year, while a steady hum of activity weaves around a space filled with planters at one end and picnic benches at the other.
It's clear that the climate crisis is a human rights issue directly affecting the disadvantaged, but what can we do?
”There are two flames that burn in the human heart, the flame of anger against injustice and the flame of hope that we can build a better world.”
Busking or street performance, has its long history with the intrepid or those on the scanty side of life, yet these days, it can simply be someone just wanting to get their talents recognised while making a few bob doing it. Especially with the music industry being so tough to get one’s foot-in-the-door’ many are taking to the streets as venues have been hit by the pandemic and are shutting down.
Gentrification is everywhere. In most larger towns and cities, gentrification, alongside the hallmark of capitalism creates a cloned atmosphere, where you could be anywhere, as community has become a fragmented thing of the past. Homelessness too is everywhere, as people are squeezed out from one social circumstance to the next, so any thriving effort to keep community alive – putting human wellbeing before profit, stands out.
Glimpsing into the past and the origins of the feminist movement, has its motivations and agendas begun to understand those less able to fight for equality in today’s society?