The Only Thing Tested Was My Patience

The simplest things are often not only unnecessarily complicated, but inaccessible. I’m SO FED UP with official types making a song-and-dance of the most routine acts, let alone a lack of insight and an insistence that everyone fits a one-size-fits-all model.

December 2021 Editorial

Welcome to this, our 3rd issue and welcome to any new subscribers. Firstly, a special congratulations goes out to Nina Chesworth, who wrote the piece in June’s issue on the little-known condition of Charles Bonnett Syndrome – she has now completed her sponsored walk in all the Mancunian pride and glory it deserves – great work, Nina!

Miles for the Mind

After a difficult couple of years, once again I hit rock bottom. I have many times, due to a traumatic childhood and the unfortunate things that come with such a start in life, but this time I thought I’d really had as much as one can take.