Performative Activism, Corporate catfishing and the blurred lines of allyship
“Matching your actions to your words is true activism.”
“Matching your actions to your words is true activism.”
“What’s often frustrating about social justice issues in general is that in order to get people to show basic empathy or understanding, you have to use the ‘what if it were your wife, your child'…”
The simplest things are often not only unnecessarily complicated, but inaccessible. I’m SO FED UP with official types making a song-and-dance of the most routine acts, let alone a lack of insight and an insistence that everyone fits a one-size-fits-all model.
Welcome to this, our 3rd issue and welcome to any new subscribers. Firstly, a special congratulations goes out to Nina Chesworth, who wrote the piece in June’s issue on the little-known condition of Charles Bonnett Syndrome – she has now completed her sponsored walk in all the Mancunian pride and glory it deserves – great work, Nina!
“Why does Disability have such a low profile? Why is Disability still attached to able vs disable, capable vs incapable?” Christopher Catt
When you are someone on the autism spectrum, you have to expect a certain level of discrimination both in workplaces and in general social settings in life.
Oh what fun it is to ride on a one.. sided income during the biggest holiday of the year…
More and more in this day and age, we see so many individuals in the UK and all around the world being encouraged to go to University, only to realise that their Bachelor’s degrees are no real different to a modern day GCSE qualification without the extra curricular experience.
”There are two flames that burn in the human heart, the flame of anger against injustice and the flame of hope that we can build a better world.”
After a difficult couple of years, once again I hit rock bottom. I have many times, due to a traumatic childhood and the unfortunate things that come with such a start in life, but this time I thought I’d really had as much as one can take.