by Dawn M. Sanders
Hello Everyone,
Summer’s upon us and so is the tenth issue of Barriers to Bridges – a small but significant milestone. It’s against many odds, that we’ve produced this issue – our European correspondent has left, due to too many other commitments. Lucia our sub-editor is travelling through South America, taking a hiatus from writing articles – so we’re thinner on content this time round, but quality is better than quantity. We’re working across borders and time zones, failed zoom meetings and loads of external pressures for each of us, but we’re a small resilient team, determined to conquer the barriers and create bridges to a positive result.
This quarter we have some fantastic contributors, from just up the road in Bristol, to as far afield as South Africa. Our main feature is written with a creative flair by Tay Aziz, on the healing elements of connecting with nature. Tayo Aluko, has written a challenging metaphoric piece on rising above systemic consumption. Heather Djunga, tells the story of her and her son overcoming trauma. I’ve written a long form on whether poorer people have access to holistic therapies within a capitalist system. So, whether healing with the help of nature, music or community, our theme is very much centered on reclaiming confidences and turning them into empowerments, regardless of circumstance.
We’re still looking for a second editor, so please visit our vacancies page, if you or someone you know might be interested in writing for and helping us grow. It has been difficult securing further financial backing, right now the landscape is pretty empty and despite these appeals, no one comes forward which, considering the climate of uncertainty, a cost-of-living crisis many of us have never known, it’s totally understandable. However, it’s also crucial that encroaching tyranny and draconian laws, pushing populations further to the brink, are held to account, challenged and exposed in an independent and ethical framework – this means in order to grow, we simply need regular pledges, however big or small to sustain our work and keep our finger on the pulse, so please register what you can here.
We hope you enjoy the issue in between barbecues and beach runs and of course any feedback on what we cover is welcome. HUGE APPRECIATION to Lucia Messent and Celeste Pearce for managing to pull it all together – as an editor I can never do it alone. HUGE THANKS as ever to Maggie of RedDogVA for her great work on the website.
All for now and keep cool in the rising heat,
Dawn Sanders, Editor
© 2023
Congratulations of reaching issue 10.