by Dawn M. Sanders
Greetings Everyone,
Alas, summer is here and solstice is just around the corner. This quarter we’ve got an issue packed with giving people and communities from the margins, a platform as, that is what we do.
Firstly, we have the second of a two-part series from our contributor, Debi Altman, on one refugee’s journey. In celebrating the Pride season, we’ve taken a look at the lows and highs of transitioning within the community of transgender people. Caitlin has crafted a frank and forthright piece on how online dating fails those with additional needs. We give one woman the chance to describe living with psychosis and I have written on a long and tireless battle affecting myself and others. So, the usual mixed bag you hopefully would come to expect from Barriers to Bridges Magazine, as the world is seemingly evolving into uncharted territories – frightening, but with green shoots of a better brighter future as resistance mounts.
That said, as a realist, I must admit I’m not feeling positive on a personal or professional level. We have now had to take down our crowd funder which, only made ‘£1’ and that was from one of us. So, in the coming months we’ll be looking for fun and creative ways to fund raise and stay afloat. If any of you, our valued subscribers, have ideas, suggestions or fodder for features, as ever, get in touch at: We also need to increase our readership, so please share our content widely with your platforms and contacts – especially if something resonates with you on a personal level or you find particularly provocative. We are also exploring engaging ways to market the mag, so again – any help or suggestions welcome.
Ultimately, this could easily be dubbed ‘the summer of discontent’ with a massive rail strike looming, the worst economic downturn in years which, I suspect will result in marginalisation becoming the majority – socially and politically. For these reasons, it is crucial we as an informed electorate, stay resilient and resourceful, in these difficult times. We far out number corrupt politicians or a ruling-class which has rotted before our eyes – giving us no choice but to carve out alternatives and at the end of the day, we have the final say. Happy reading and happy summer, whatever your plans.
Dawn Sanders (Founding Editor) Caitlin Stimpson (Co-Editor) and Celeste Pearce (Illustrator)
© 2022