by Dawn M. Sanders
Hello and good Yuletide greetings,
As I write, winter bites and the sparkling December sun is poring through my big window – I’m struggling to remember a highpoint of this year. 2022 paraded in with another savage war, reminiscent of a dark past we thought we had left far behind. Human rights have seemingly become a precious commodity as the global fight for them intensifies. Climate change has refused to be ignored in reminding us of the stress people, planet and natural world are facing, as searing summer temperatures scorched, while politics has become more unaccountable and volatile, as dangerous figures continue to abuse power with dangerous decisions. That said, I personally find myself cherishing the simplest things – hanging out with my son listening to music and dancing across the living room, my cat coming to greet me after I’ve been away from home or just the fact, I have a home at all.
In this our final issue of 2022, we have some meaty, thought-provoking and even celebratory content for your cosy weekend reading while hopefully keeping warm wherever you are. Our themed feature is a timely long-form of one man’s story in the struggle faced within our current political climate. Lucia, our new sub-editor’s first contribution, exposes shortcomings within a global movement. Auriol Britton, a previous contributor, has highlighted a commendable victory, as breaking down barriers can also be about winning. Lastly, while hope is often in short supply for marginalised young people, there are opportunities to discover.
We’ve worked right down to the wire this issue, so sincerely hope you our readers and subscribers can take away something new and positive from the magazine or at least raise a level of awareness you might not have had before reading. Either way, please remember to share widely on your platforms and if in a position to make even a small financial contribution – it would be hugely appreciated, as you know we still have a tiny budget of less than £1,000 for the coming year. Speaking of which, as of next year, I’ll be a small-time commissioning editor, as we continue to grow.
In the meantime, keep safe, strong and always engaged with those less fortunate, heard and on the periphery of this floating barge, sailing adrift on the sea of life.
Signing off for this year,
Dawn Sanders (Founding Editor), Lucia Messent (Subeditor) and Celeste Pearce (Illustrator)
We look forward to catching up with you in the new year.
© 2022
Great editorial Dawn!
Season’s greetings!
Happy to New Year to all at Barriers to Bridges including the readers. A very worthy set of in depth articles on important issues.
Wonderful writing, thought-provoking and wise
Sitting down to read this finally after the pace slows a little.. interested to see what’s topical.. Resting for me.