I’m a 22 year old Journalism graduate and freelance co-editor and writer.

Climate Crisis, Caviar, and the Crush of Vulnerable Communities

Climate Crisis, Caviar, and the Crush of Vulnerable Communities

It's clear that the climate crisis is a human rights issue directly affecting the disadvantaged, but what can we do?
How Art Helped me to Process my Psychosis

How Art Helped me to Process my Psychosis

“I like to call it ‘The Andy Warhol Effect’ - not sure if it exists, but for me, it’s the...
Dating apps in the divergent world: It wasn’t made for us

Dating apps in the divergent world: It wasn’t made for us

In 2020, it was estimated that a whopping 280 million people globally are using dating apps, and this was an...
Performative Activism, Corporate catfishing and the blurred lines of allyship

Performative Activism, Corporate catfishing and the blurred lines of allyship

“Matching your actions to your words is true activism.”
The road to addiction recovery and the kindness facade

The road to addiction recovery and the kindness facade

“What’s often frustrating about social justice issues in general is that in order to get people to show basic empathy...
Christmas cheer, capitalist fears, and financial tears

Christmas cheer, capitalist fears, and financial tears

Oh what fun it is to ride on a one.. sided income during the biggest holiday of the year…
Higher education or hierarchy education?

Higher education or hierarchy education?

More and more in this day and age, we see so many individuals in the UK and all around the...
Food Bank Fairs in the Post Pandemic World for Northern and Southern England

Food Bank Fairs in the Post Pandemic World for Northern and Southern England

According to The Big Issue, The UK’s food poverty rate is among the highest in Europe. Despite being the sixth...